What are they? They are real Commanders/Players that help out other Commanders if they are stranded or ran out of fuel in-game for free. And then there is another community/group called the "Fuel Rats" (they were PC focused based, but now also on Xbox One). They are really supportive with new players on the Xbox One version subreddit of Elite: Dangerous via /r/EliteOne and they will help everyone if you are new to Elite: Dangerous or a PC veteran trying to figure out the controller controls. For one, I love the community of Elite: Dangerous. it depends on the ship you have and also the upgrades you have on it. but note that it will takes weeks (sometimes months) just to travel to the center.

Best of all, you can visit the center of the Universe. One day you can go from smuggling cargo from a port to a station, and then a few hours later you can go mining and sell the metals/minerals you gathered for high value and upgrade your ship or buy a new one. Next is the customization, customizing your ship is the second best part in this game. You basically have the game to your own will and do whatever you want in it. Best of all, you can go on a killing spree, become wanted and have a bounty on your own ship/head so other players can take you out. From the Comm's Panel you can invite friends to your "Wing" team up to kill other players and/or AI's who have bounty's, go mining (and have your extra friends to be body guards), and steal cargo from other players. Elite: Dangerous has a few unique features that I personally like for one its the integration with the Xbox friends-lists in the Comm's Panel in the top left of your games screen. Not all of them have the same parts/upgrades, they don't have the same ships to buy, they don't sell the same commodities (for example like food, water, guns, etc.), and they all have different bulletin boards to do different contract missions.

Why? Because every space station is different. You have to grind a lot (mainly for CR, in-game credits) and you have to visit a lot of space stations in order to upgrade your ship.

Like always if its in Beta, the game will always be filled with glitches and bugs. But a few weeks later (within the last week of July of 2015), the game got patched/updated and then the game became addicting/playable again. Towards the beginning when Elite: Dangerous was launched in "Xbox Game Preview" (an early access program like Steam Early Access), I bought the game for $30 dollars and it had quite of few bugs, and crashes to the dashboard to the point where most players couldn't play the game for 5 minutes straight. Towards the beginning when Elite: Dangerous was launched in "Xbox Game Preview" Elite: Dangerous, well to start off.